Saturday Psalm

**Sing unto him a new song: play skillfully with a loud noise. For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.** Psalm 33:3,4

Every day is a great day to sing and praise the LORD. We can put on a CD, make a video library on YouTube, follow our favorite artists on Spotify, or just open our mouths and let loose some heartfelt praise.

My favorite songs are Scripture songs. The Word of God put to music. Like David’s Psalms. Singing the Psalms or any other verse from the Bible helps to drive home their truths. Singing them helps us in memorizing and hiding His Word in our heart. I learned many Scripture songs when our children were learning them in Sunday School.

I have learned many more now that our daughter’s children are learning the same way. Her family has a great tradition of practicing their memory verses together after dinner and then singing many of them at the dinner table to help them learn. On our latest visit, I recorded them singing and now I am using the recording to learn them, so I will be prepared to sing with them on our next visit.

Saturdays are usually low key days. Days to break the week day work routine. A day that we may be able to find extra time to praise and thank the Lord for all He has done for us throughout the week.

It isn’t hard for me to start a long list of things that the Lord has blessed me with….healthy children and grandchildren, all of whom know Him…a restored and happy marriage…a reason to wake up each morning…the strength to face each day’s challenges…the gift of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste….the ability to walk and exercise…a bountiful table….family….vacations….safety in travels…the list can go on and on.

I hope you can find some time to declare your own list, if not, do it while you are driving the kids to soccer, while you are buying groceries, weeding the garden….anywhere, anytime is perfect for praising the One who loves you with an everlasting love.

And as long as you are in a praising mood, how about spending a few minutes encouraging and complimenting each one of your loved ones about something that you admire in them. It will put them in a praise mood, too!

Let me know what you think!