In His Hands

**Commit thy way unto the LORD, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.** Psalm 37:5

We are happily back in Spain, back to work and also getting our apartment back in shape after 5 months of traveling. Our trip back only had a few hitches—-we were first in line to check in at the airport yet it took one whole hour to process our tickets and luggage—-our overseas flight was delayed for about two hours due to –not enough blankets, pillows or headphones for all the passengers—-broken A/C—-full system overload and shutdown—-navigation system fail—-rebooting the whole system—-long line for take off—-but we got here. Thank you, Lord!!

Spain is still feeling the effects of the latest Covid variant outbreak so we are back to mask wearing and social distancing. But we were able to meet as a church in our meeting room on Sunday and everyone was THRILLED to finally be back together!!

Life here on planet Earth gives us unending opportunities to be buried under our circumstances. We can allow everything that happens to us to change our outlook. We can allow everything from our outside world to affect our inside world. It’s up to us. We are what we allow ourselves to be, right?

Psalm 37 spells things out pretty clearly.

Put everything in God’s Hand.

Trust Him with how it all unfolds.

The next thing you know you will be looking BACK at how He worked it all out.

Easy breezy.

If we let it be.

But, I do NOT and have not always handled life’s roller coaster with such calm and self-control. But God is working on me to do so. It is getting easier with the years. I’ve learned that all the little things I used to fuss about are not so important. I don’t need to make such a big deal about them. I can learn to adapt and I can learn to not always have things done my way in my time. I can learn to relax and enjoy each day a little more, instead of constantly going over the list in my head of what needs to get done.

I can learn to let God be in charge more and more.

We went through 4 different flight cancellations and many other unexpected problems before our 5 month adventure in the U.S. was over. In the end, it didn’t make a difference on the overall trip. It was great! We had a blast! People were great to us! God was even greater to us! He brought it to pass. It’s behind us now.

Time to put something new in His Hands.

Let me know what you think!