Who do you fear?

**What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth. The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his convenant.** Psalm 25:12-14

5 benefits one receives when they fear the LORD.

-We will know God’s will for our lives.

-We will live in peace because our soul is at peace.

-Our family today and the next generation will be inheritors in God’s kingdom

-God will reveal mysteries and secrets to those that fear him that others will not know or understand.

-We will live under his covenant which means He will care for us, protect us, be at our side, He will hear our voice in prayer and we will be a part of his eternal family. One day we will see him as He is and we will reign with him.

5 benefits to fearing God. 5 good things. Not terror, or pain. Just good things.

The average person thinks they do not need to fear the LORD. He is independent, self sufficient, too busy to fear anyone and even less to fear God.

He will do what he wants, when he wants, with whom he wants, in his own way, and never considers if God is aware of it all.

But to those that fear the LORD and live to please him, will receive good from his hand. Because He is faithful to those who fear him.

Something to ponder if you are one of those who do not fear God….What would it take for you to fear God? Who in your life would have to suffer to get you to live under the fear of God? Who will pay the price for your self- sufficiency?

And for those that do fear him…..don’t lose that….don’t ever get to the place when you think that God doesn’t care, or isn’t attentive to your needs or that He doesn’t have an opinion on how you are living out your faith. God is not like us. He does not get lazy or complacent. He was, He is, and He always will be holy.

Fearing God is choosing to do right, not fearing the punishment for doing wrong. It is choosing to receive the 5 benefits. It’s a good thing.

Let me know what you think!