What do you want?

**Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.** Psalm 25:4,5

What a beautiful prayer. So much humility. David asks the Lord to teach him HIS ways, HIS paths, and HIS truth. He never says “listen to me God, and do what I want you to do for me.

King David wanted to know how to do things in a way that pleased God. The same way that Jesus Christ went to the Father every day to know His will. Neither Jesus or David looked for what they wanted. They wanted to please him and be like him. Jesus was successful but David did fell short.

David got tired of the battle, tired of being a good friend, tired of being faithful to his job, and of being an example for his children. He got tired of being content with what he had so he made one bad choice after another.

David started well but he did not finish well. He is still known for having a heart for God, but we also remember his infidelity and murderous act. That season in his life when he stepped out of God’s will.

But we only remember the good that Jesus Christ did. His sacrifice on the cross, his innocence, and the people he touched.

Let’s not lose our focus. Jesus will never let us down, never disappoint, never betray our trust. He will never slip up or be a bad example. People, yes, will fail us sooner or later, but not our Saviour. Never. Not ever.

So, we each have to make a choice, just like David. Our way or God’s way. Every day.

Let me know what you think!