** Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old. Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O LORD.** Psalm 25:6,7

This Psalm is one that shows us the depth of who our God is. It shows us that God is our protector, our guide, and our Savior.

Also, in today’s verses, it shows us the breadth of David’s confidence in his relationship with God that he can boldly tell God to remember! God! The One who never forgets anything good or right! Never!

David tells God….


Remember that you are merciful…

Remember that you have forgiven me …

Remember that my mistakes of the past and of the present and the future are not going to change who you are…merciful!

Remember that your mercy is everlasting!! There is no end to it!

Remember that your mercy never fails! Never!

Remember that on my worse days, your mercy is still there with me!

My friend, we will never, ever receive all that we deserve for good or bad in this life. Because God is gracious and merciful and knows our human limits.

When we take the time to remember all of OUR mistakes, sins and stupidities, our behaviour, our words and our attitudes…we realize that we live way better today than we deserve. God could give us a horrible life to make us pay for all of that, to make us feel the impact of our mistakes on others. But He doesn’t. He always smooths it over for us.

He REMEMBERS his mercy.

The Riches of his MERCY.

And when I remember his MERCY, it makes me cry with joy and relief and then shame for what I still am not.

But, even so, his MERCY is over me, around me and through me. Just like it is for you!

Today is a good day to rejoice, sing and shout because of the mercy of God in our lives.

Remember, HE is worthy of all praise and worship because …


Let me know what you think!