The Value of a Woman-Confidence

** She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.** Proverbs 31:18

Maybe you are like I was.

Low opinion of myself. Doubtful that I was making a real contribution to the world. Always questioning and doubting my abilities. Overly shy and fearful. Worried about what others thought about me.

Then one day I realized that God didn’t think of me the way I thought of me. He says that I am **fearfully and wonderfully made.** That He **loves me with an everlasting love**. Unconditionally. And that after everything is said and done, His opinion is the only one that counts.

The P31 woman is confident in who she is and in what she does. She gives of her time, energy and talent for the betterment of her family, for others and for herself. ** She perceiveth that HER merchandise is good**. She looks positively at what she does. She sees her own value. She sees her capabilities as worthwhile endeavors.

As young women, we may not yet be as confident as a woman with more time and experience. But the sooner we start believing in ourselves, and recognizing that God believes in us as well, the sooner we will grow in confidence and determination.

There is another verse that I love….(God)**calleth those things which be not as though they were.** Romans 4:17

God sees us as we are going to be. He doesn’t focus on today’s mistakes. He sees tomorrow’s strength and confidence and light and fruitfulness. He knows where we are going and who we will be. He overlooks our insecurities and our timidity. He sees us all as P31 women!! He sees all that we are GOING to do and be!

Remember David? God had him anointed King of Israel. Not because he WAS a king. But because he was BECOMING a king!

We can all take the P31 woman as an example of inner strength, confidence, courage and determination. We don’t have to be superstars, we just need to be all that WE can be. Be the best version of ourselves and then leave the results up to God. He did NOT make a mistake when He made you or me. Let’s all honor him with a more confident and positive self concept and pray that we will always be open to his working in us.

Let me know what you think!