The River of Life

** In him was life;  and the life  was the light of men.**  John 1:4

**In Him  was life…**

Yesterday we took a brief look at  Genesis. We talked about the Word or the Voice of God created all of nature.  Where there was nothing,  God spoke it into existence.  The plants flourished.  The animals,  the sea,  and the land came to life. 

Genesis 2:7  tells us that God formed man and breathed life into Adam. 

Before Adam and Eve sinned,  and were still living in the Garden of Eden there was a tree there called the Tree of Life.   It was a tree that would have made them eternal,  but their sin took away their access to that tree.

In the gospels we see  Christ raise the Dead,  giving those individuals a new chance at Life.

Revelation 22 tells us that there is a River of Life  flowing from the Throne of God.  

So everywhere God is,  there is life. 

In Philippians 2, the Word of Christ is called The Word of Life.  

Christ is the Word and He is Life.

 Finally in John 20:31, 

**But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God;  and that believing ye might have LIFE through his name.** 

This life  is the same Fountain of Life that was offered to the Samaritan woman at the well.   When the Samaritan woman listened to Jesus speak of this living water she said to him…

** Sir,  give me this water,  that I thirst not…** 

Christ offered this Fountain to her and it gave her a new abundant life very different from the one she had been living. 

Her request was simple… **give me that water.**

When I converted to faith in Christ,  my prayer  was also simple…

” I give up”  

All that I thought, all that I had done and all that I had learned up until that point I put into the hands of God.  I didn’t know what I know today about Him.  But,  I wanted that Living Water.  I wanted to start over,  to have a new beginning.  And that’s exactly what  God gave me.  A fresh drink of water to refresh my soul, my heart and my life and my marriage.    I highly recommend it to those that are needing a new start, a refreshing from the inside out.  You will never thirst again!

Let me know what you think!