So Much To Do!!

**I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.** Psalm 16:7

Do you ever wake up in the morning and have no idea where to start on your long list of to-dos?  Maybe you even tossed about all night stressing over how you would get it all done? I certainly have, more than I like to admit. 

Over time, I have learned that those stressful, overwhelming moments are when it is most important for me to ask God for help. Show me, guide me, sort out my day, God!! What has priority? How do I fit it all in? And what surprises are you going to send me that are YOUR priorities?

The great thing is that He always answers. Somehow, I get through the day, usually getting about half of my list done, but once I put it in God’s hands, the stress level reduces by about 75%. And the surprises turn out to be the best part of my day. They are the little reminders that God is in control and sometimes they are little gifts to remind me of His love. It might be  a cancellation that  opens up my time for other things, or an encouraging note from a friend, or **good news from a far country**.  Having most of our family living on another continent, good news is always welcome.  

So, I am learning to put my days in His hands more and more, knowing that He is so much better at doing things **decently and in order** than I am, and with experience my **night seasons** have become sweeter and more restful. 

What is your go-to method for stress?

Let me know what you think!