My Right Hand Help

**I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.  Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.** Psalm 16:8,9

I wonder how many of us can actually say that we “ set the LORD always before” us? I would love to be able to say that. It is my heart’s desire to be that focused each day, placing every moment in my God’s hand, seeking His help, comfort, direction and wisdom. But the reality is that I can go a whole day without hardly even thinking about God.  That’s a pretty sad commentary for a person of faith!   It would certainly make  life more enjoyable if I  always remembered to invite God to participate in my busyness. 

If He is my Lord and King and Friend and Help, if He cares for me, delights in my prayers and never forsakes or abandons me, why do I shut Him out of so many areas of my life? As the years pass, I recognize more and more that I really do need to seek His guidance in every corner of my life. It is just easier to focus my eyes on the task or problem that is in front of me instead of keeping my eyes on HIM and then dealing with my situation through His eyes. 

The thing is that He is not way far off in the heavens and is unreachable. He is right there at my right hand!! He is always within reach. All I have to do is reach out with my spiritual arm! Even better than that, I just have to switch it on in my head. The God button, a spiritual flick of the mental wrist. 

Psalm 121:5…The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

Let’s remember to live in the shade of God’s right hand every day, the day will be cooler, comforting and safer, right?

Bonus thoughts to think on!!!

Some more amazing things that happened at the right hand…

Exodus 14 …the wall of water stood up on the right hand of the people of 


Exodus 29…Aaron was anointed as High priest on his right hand

1Kings 2…Bathsheba sits at King Solomon’s right hand

Psalm 16:11…at thy right hand are pleasures forevermore

Psalm 17:7…He saves by his right hand

Psalm 18:35…his right hand holds us up

Psalm 48:10… his right hand is full of righteousness

Psalm 110:1…Jesus sits at the right hand of God

Psalm 121:5…The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

Lord, take my hand!!!

Let me know what you think!