Hiding in the need of prayer

K.eep I.t S.piritual S.weetheart

     ¨Help, LORD¨  Psalm 12:1
This is probably my favorite verse and favorite Prayer in the Bible. I try to be diligent when I wake up each morning  to thank God for my life,  for sleep,  and for a new day basking in His rich mercies.  I do pray that often, but I remember when we first arrived on the mission field how I was full of fear and anxiety, worry,  ignorance, frustration and irritation. I was short-tempered, and emotional,  well, basically miserable.  I remember waking up each morning and praying as soon as I opened my eyes and could see that, yes,  unfortunately, I was still in Spain. But, in those days those prayers were NOT eloquent but more like the desperate prayers of David when he would say… 
     HELP, LORD… 
     that’s all, just 2 words…
      HELP, LORD.  
Or doubt would reign in my heart and I would say things more like ,
     ”God what am I doing here?” 
     “ God, are you sure you didn’t make a mistake?” 
     “ God why did you send me, of all people, to this place?” 
     “Isn’t there anyone more qualified than me?” 
          and sometimes it would be 
     “Oh God, help, I’m still here.”

Over time, I learned to look up, and to direct my prayer to the only One that could help my situation with more eloquence,  to the only One that could change ME. The only One that would provide the solutions from day-to-day and often from hour to hour.  

 It was He that would help me learn the language,  to understand the doctors when our children were sick,  to understand our childrens’ teachers, who, in reverse, didn’t understand our poor Spanish. I had to communicate with them somehow because our children were all failing their classes.  He could help us to build a healthy and united Family and build a safe home for all of us in a strange, new country. 

I recommend to you, dear believer, that this morning you would look up and direct your prayers to the Creator of the universe, for whatever your burdens are  today. Lift up your voice to Him with  a transparent heart and know that He hears you, He loves you and He will transform you and mold you into a vessel, meet for His use. Trust me, if He can make me useful to Him, He can do it for anyone because we are all …


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