Does God Even Hear Me?

** This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. ** Psalm 34:6

Listening is a two way street. It isn’t enough to say that we want someone to listen to us. We need to also be available to listen to others. Because life isn’t just about us, it is about others needs, as well.

Whether we are talking about our marriage, our children, a work relationship, or a friendship, good listening skills improve communication and understanding.

When we talk to God about our needs, there is a tendency to just dump everything on Him and then walk away without taking the time to hear what He has to say to us. Do we do that to our spouse or our children?

If we put our financial needs before the Lord and give him a list of all the bills that need to be paid, and then leave our prayer closet without every waiting to see if He has something to say about our list, we are not in a very healthy relationship with Him, are we?

I think back on different seasons in my life when i felt like the Lord wasn’t listening and answering my requests. But I wonder if He let me FEEL like He wasn’t listening to me, because I wasn’t taking the time to listen to Him.

Maybe He wanted to tell me….It will be OK…Calm down….TRUST me!…Be patient…or The answer is right in front of you!! Maybe I was too filled with worry or fear to even pay attention to anything He had to say. I just wanted Him to fix it!

So, first step in getting God to hear your prayers….Don’t talk…Just listen. **Be still and KNOW that HE is GOD….Focus on WHO you are talking to and what HE is capable of. Take some time to think of His promises to His children, which includes you. Let Him speak first.

**He that is of God heareth God’s words:** John 8:47

In this Psalm alone, David tells us THREE times that the Lord hears us. OK, that is Old Testament…

well, how about 1 John 5:14?…

**And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: **

So, if we believe God’s Word is Truth, we should have no doubts that He is listening. Because He SAID He does.

I will give you a little prayer hint….when you ask the Lord to do something…know that it is His will first.

Then, tell Him what He said. He can’t say no.

If we have financial needs. …He SAID …** My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory**….He can’t say no….He cannot lie. He WILL do it. It is HIS WILL to take care of his children. So, we can stop worrying and trust Him to do what He SAID He would do.

** This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. ** Psalm 34:6

David isn’t specific in this Psalm. Maybe He is talking about his enemies. Or maybe his hunger. Or maybe he is just sad and discouraged.

He DOES say….that the Lord saved him out of ALL his troubles….and that the Lord HEARD him…every time.

No matter what the problem…the Lord saved him out of ALL of them.

Can we say the same thing? Is our faith and trust as strong as David’s?

Take some time and read this whole Psalm. See how many things David has to say about what the Lord has done for him and what more He promises to do. Then think about your own relationship with the Lord. Can we all say the same things with as much confidence and belief? I hope so.

Let me know what you think!