The Value of a Woman-Persistence

**She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. ** Proverbs 31:24

In verse 10 of Proverbs 31, we see that a virtuous woman has great value. **Her price is far above rubies.** Each of the characteristics that we have looked at up to today give us a glimpse of the impact that her life has on others and also how they add confidence and prosperity to her own life.

Today’s verse gives us a more detailed look into her life.

Verse 13 tells us that the virtuous woman starts at the beginning. She looks for the thread, yarn or fabric needed to begin a project for the well-being of the loved ones.

Verse 18 tells us that she works diligently and tirelessly to complete her projects. She has skill and confidence in what she is making.

Verse 19 tells us that she is willing to do the tedious work. The unpopular jobs. The ones hardly anyone sees.

Verse 21 and 22 tell us that the virtuous woman completes what she starts. And that the results are beneficial to her family and to herself. She is not a martyr, she is not self-deprecating. She knows that it is equally important to take care of herself as it is to take care of others.

Now, in verse 24, we see that the virtuous woman goes the extra mile. She uses her skills to further prosper her home. Her visionary spirit and her diligence earn her an extra wage. She is willing to work out each step of the process in order to care for her family’s needs. She doesn’t shy away from the difficult parts of it.

If we want to impact others lives, there are many things that need doing but will get little applause.

Time in prayer that no one knows about.

Bible study that is simply for our own growth and not for public speaking.

Bearing the hardships and suffering silently, without complaint or self-pity.

Patience. And then more patience.

Kindness when we are criticized.

Seeking what’s good for others without demanding personal gratification.

Swallowing a curt response or refusing to trade insults when falsely accused.

Learning to forgive as Christ forgives, completely and without retribution.

Believing and trusting that it is all worth it and that eternity will show the fruit of our efforts.

We can learn from this amazing chapter literally or spiritually. Whether our hands are busy providing for the material needs of our families or it’s spiritual growth and prosperity, it all takes work. Diligent, persistent work.

The virtuous P31 woman wasn’t afraid of any of it. Neither should we be. All of these skills will manifest in different ways in each of our lives. What is important is that we do them.

Love, respect, do good, hard work, spiritual growth, showing compassion, diligence and persistence will inevitably bring positive results and eternal fruit. Today is a good day to start, don’t you think?

Let me know what you think!