The Value of a Woman-Creativity

**She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.** Proverbs 31:13

We have defined the virtuous woman two ways. High moral character and one who is capable, strong and does not shy away from a task. I also think that verses 11-31 of this chapter give us a practical application of what a virtuous woman does. We need to remember that Solomon wrote about her milleniums ago and in a different culture. So, how can we apply this verse to a generation of women who work outside their home or that do not have skills in fiber arts or sewing?

Many moons ago, I studied fashion design and textile science. During my studies, we created new clothing designs, studied the construction of natural and synthetic fabrics and spent time with sheep herders, learning about wool and the spinning of yarn, etc. So, for me this verse was easy to apply. I also had a grandmother that could sew up a storm.

But I know many women have not had those opportunities. So, what does this mean for them?

The process of spinning fiber is slow, meticulous, and time consuming. Yet, it is also restful, stress relieving, and rewarding. It requires patience and diligence. It is a skill not conducive to a microwave, fast food, high speed internet society.

Weaving gets us back in touch with nature and the simpler things in life. Today, many families are forsaking corporate America and opting for homesteading, or vegetable gardening of organic, healthier food for their family.

So, maybe as a virtuous woman today, spinning wool and flax for yarn and thread is not exactly what this verse is telling us in the 21st century. Maybe we can apply it as creativity in general. Something that we do in any form of art that brings beauty and peace into our home.

I have friends who draw, others who watercolor, others who scrapbook, paint, or quilt. Many of my friends, young and older, are amazing decorators. They know how to make their homes welcoming, comfortable and restful. Their creativity brings joy to their home.

Today, we have an advantage over OT women. We have megastores for crafts, sewing. art supplies and decoration ideas. And then there are all of the decorating and do over and upcycle and flip a house shows and videos that offer a myriad of ideas as well. There is something out there for everyone.

The toughest part of all of this for today’s busy woman is finding the time to invest in art and creativity. For our own peace of mind and some instant stress therapy, let’s fill our hearts and our homes with some handmade beauty.

Let me know what you think!