Thank You For Showing Me the Way!!

** The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. ** 2 Peter 3:9

Do you remember what your life was like before your amazing encounter with the Creator of the Universe?

I do.

It was like walking through a fog of confusion and heaviness. It was living without any real reason to stay alive. It was being easily pulled into bad behavior. It was feeling so ugly on the inside that I got sick of looking at myself in the mirror. It was walking in continual mental and emotional darkness, wandering from one thing to another never knowing why I was doing any of it.

and then….

I was walking in light! The fog lifted. The sun shone. I understood why I was alive. I was given a fresh new start on life and I wanted to take advantage of every minute of it. And I was hungry, so hungry for TRUTH. I was so sick of lies and deceit and betrayals. I wanted everything that this new life had for me.

I would like to thank my husband’s family for praying for me and not giving up on me. Thank you, Rose, for talking to me that day on your front porch. Thank you, Rose, and Lorrie for inviting me to your church. Thank you, Sandy, for inviting me to yours. Thank you, Youth for Christ, for the fun activities and the devotions that sowed seed in my heart for the future. Thank you even to my catholic church that ingrained 1 Corinthians 13 into my brain. Thank you to those who prayed for me and I never knew it. Thank you to my Dad who tried to share his faith with me but didn’t know how. Thank you to Nancy Fabry who guided me when I was ready to pray to be saved from my sins. And so many other people that the Lord used to reach into my heart and help me see the way.

We just don’t know when there will be fruit to our witness and our prayers. Jim and I were the last ones to get saved in my husband’s family. But once we did, we were all in. 1000%. We couldn’t get enough. We were hungrier than a couple of Spring bears.

So, if you are praying for someone, witnessing to another. Don’t give up. It is up to God to do the finishing work. The timing is up to Him. The connection and the change needs to be impacting, not religious or obligatory. Step back and give the Lord some space to work in their lives. It make take a tragedy. It may take a joyful celebration like the birth of a child to open their eyes to God’s love. But it will happen. It is His will, it is His joy to see someone step into His world. He throws a party every time. He had a big one for you!

The Lord wants every person on the planet to know Him and be a part of His family. It’s our job to let others know that. Hang in there. Keep praying for your lost family members. Keep sowing seed in the hearts of your neighbors and co-workers. The Lord will never rebuke you for those who wouldn’t listen. He will celebrate with you for the ones who did.

2 thoughts on “Thank You For Showing Me the Way!!”

  1. Thank you for the thoughtful post. Marianne sent the link. Nick and I appreciate the ministry you , Jim and your family have in Spain as you labor for the Lord. We are happy to be supporting you both financially and in prayer. 💕🙏

    1. Thank you Nancy for your example and wisdom and for being there in your place so you could take me the last few steps. Your hands will be full of crowns in eternity. I love you much and pray for the Lord to give you His grace for each day.

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