Sunny Saturday

** From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised. ** Psalm 113:3

Sunshine = light, brightness, glory, warmth, and life. Whatever we plant in our gardens or in our lives, when we add a bit of sun (Son) and a little bit of water (Holy Spirit) to the mix, the results will feed many.

The sun also reminds us of new beginnings. Whatever happened yesterday or during the night seasons of life, the morning sun tells us there is hope and help to brighten our day. We have a fresh start.

When problem clouds come in and obscure the light of day, we know that the sun is still there, waiting to break through and dry the tears of a rainy day. It never moves. It is steadfast. It is permanent in our world. It is always ready to share its warmth and light with us to make our day easier.

After a Happy Thanksgiving and a Black Friday, we can all step into the light of the sun. We can praise the Lord for all the good we have seen in the last 48 hours. We can give thanks for family and health and peace and hope. We can bask in the light that not only shines in the sky but in our hearts as well.

Every morning we can wake up to the sunrise and remember that while we were sleeping peacefully and protected through the night, the Sun never forgets His job. He is there to meet us day after day. He lights our path and guides us through each hour. He reminds us that time is passing, that we have limited hours to do what is important, so mustn’t waste the time we have. It is much harder to work in the dark so we should work while the Sun is shining.

Today, as we step out into the brightness of the Sun, we can praise Him for all the good that He has done and will do. We can praise Him for who He is and how faithful and diligently He watches over us. We may not always see Him, stormy days will come, but He is there behind those clouds doing His job, lighting the way, guiding us back into the light.

And when the sun sets at the end of the day with its glorious colors, we can thank and praise Him for sustaining us through another day.
From the rising of the Sun, to the going down of the same, the Name of the Lord shall be praised.

Let me know what you think!