Ruth’s Journey

** The Lord recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust. ** Ruth 2:12

Today we close this series on Trust. We have talked about many ways that the Lord tests us and helps us discover what level of trust we have in Him. And through those tests and trials, we have learned that He is at our side and walking through them with us. Of course, when we get to the other side of the trial, He is there, as well, helping us to see where we have shined and where we need to dig deeper.

Our final thoughts on Trusting God is in the story of Ruth. A woman of courage and faith in God and one who trusted Him to care for her no matter where she was and what circumstance she was in.

We are all familiar with the story of Ruth and how she left her comfort zone of familiarity to stay at Naomi’s side to love and serve her and to learn more about her God. Although Naomi’s life was filled with heartache and loss, the Lord faithfully gave her one person who never left her. One person who wanted to learn all she could about Naomi’s faith and was willing to forsake all else in order to do it.

Ruth dedicates her young years of widowhood to working and caring for Naomi, her mother-in-law. Her story is unique. To serve your own mother is common, but to forsake all to stay at your mother-in-law’s side is not. But Ruth recognized that although Naomi had her flaws, she knew she had found a home in this family of faith. She knew that their God was bigger than her own. Although they both had faced loss, Ruth saw the Lord’s kindness and compassion in the midst of their pain.

As a young believer, she began her journey with the Lord drawing from Naomi’s faith. But as she continued on that journey in a strange land, to work and care for her own and Naomi’s needs, she saw the Lord begin to work for and care for her alone. She no longer just followed Naomi and her god, but little by little He showed her how interested He was in being her own personal God and Guide.

The Lord revealed Himself to Ruth daily as she worked in the fields. He showed Himself as…

Jehovah Nissi- Her banner, who fought for her and protected her from the advances of the young men in the field.

Jehovah Jireh- The One who saw her need and provided for her daily bread.

Jehovah Tsidkenu- The One who protected her name and exalted her servant’s heart.

Jehovah Shalom- Her peace. In the midst of heartache, loss, and need.

Jehovah Raah- The Lord my Shepherd, the Lord who provided and gave rest and lead her onto right paths and restored the deepest part of her, her soul. He also taught her His righteousness so that, in part, others would recognize she was different and she identified herself with His Ways. Her cup ran over with blessings, and goodness and mercy followed her all the rest of the days of her life. He ‘anointed her head’ with oil when she became King David’s great grandmother.

** The Lord recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust. **

Ruth showed her faith and trust in the Lord in everything she did. Her words, her attitude, and her works all made it clear to everyone around her Who she trusted in. Because of it, the Lord rewarded her with a brand new life, in a new land, with a new family. The Lord recompensed her efforts daily ( paid her back tenfold). And now, generations later, we can all benefit from her story while she reaps her eternal rewards in Heaven as sees her invisible, yet faithful, God, face-to-face.

Trust is a life journey for all of us. Like Ruth’s, it is one of trials and hope. It is a journey of strength and courage. It is a walk of faith. It is our own journey of discovering all that the Lord promises that He is and so much more.

Let me know what you think!