Pure Words

**The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace  of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever**  Psalm 12:6 ,7

In  our ladies’ weekly Bible study, we often talk of the need for the constant connection with  the Lord in our  daily lives, asking Him for direction and trusting His guidance as we go about our tasks. We are growing in recognizing His faithfulness and  His presence and His Word as it guides us. 

We know that God’s Word will never fail us and that His Word is always  right.  Whatever problem that may appear in our day, God has a solution in His Word.  We should never doubt that God will provide the answer when we put all of  what we need in prayer.  There, in His Word, we will find peace and direction and the answers to life’s problems. 

In the early days of Covid, I asked my ladies  to share what they have found when they go to God’s word for their fears, their trials, their heartache, and their worries. Here’s what they had to say: 

 Sister Dolly… I have personally found in God’s word that we should guide our children from when they are very little in the fear of God because later it will be more difficult.  Life by itself, with all of its difficulties, will teach them that without God there is nothing, they will only find emptiness and darkness .

Sister Monika… I have learned to trust in His Word, to have faith. God has been in my life with such clear certainty that without His Hand  working, I will not be able to have anything.

Sister Cristina… God  made me see what I had not had before and to know that He is there with me, and that  everyday He hears me and listens to me and that His word and praises are a Sweet Balsam to my soul.

Sister Lorena… I have learned a lot about the Lord.  It is still difficult to not worry in my suffering because of my circumstances. He continues to send trials so that I will have more faith and trust in Him. Even though bad things happen to everyone, and we pray so that good things will happen to us, we have  to give thanks for  life’s lessons that He gives us in any kind of adversity. Personally, bad things do not stop happening to me. It could be because He is testing my faith or because after having met God, I have to pass through my own desert before finding my personal Promise Land.  I only have  an indifferent concern  about what is happening to me and I know my heart’s desire may never be realized. My challenge is to not lose my faith no matter how sad I am and to learn to be happy with what I have because that is what God has given me. I still have a lot to learn, I never stop crying about all of the sad things in my life.  I am learning to be joyful  to just have Him in my life. In my heart, even though I do not have what I want most on this  Earth,  a complete family united under His  Word, I will continue praying and learning to love Him, as I fear Him and learn  how to be worthy of His pleasing as his daughter .

Sister Monica H… I have learned that only trusting in the Lord can we come out of any need that may present itself. I have learned how small we are, but in reality, with God we are great when He is with us. I have learned to value more our daily food, although I always have plenty to eat.  But I always thought I wouldn’t want to eat something I don’t like and if I didn’t have anything else, I would just have to eat it anyway…  I’ve learned that every minute that passes we have to take advantage of it and even more in regards to the family. To just be able to be together, that’s worth a lot. I’ve learned to value many things that at times we think that we have and then all of a sudden it’s gone and all that we do have is thanks to God even though we don’t deserve it… God is good

Sister Marian… I have found in his word Peace, Hope, and a true guide. That God is always there quietly whispering in every detail. What Joy and how wonderful it is to have Him in our lives.  Thank you, Father, for opening my mind and my heart to know the truth.

Let me know what you think!