Praise and Thanks

**Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.** Psalm 30:11,12

Psalm 30 ends with the same heart of thanks and praise that David starts with. He is still celebrating all that God has done for him. We could make this more personal for us by thinking of what it is like to move into a new house or the first day of a new and better job. Or our wedding day or the birth of a child. David spent a lot of time running from enemies and living in uncomfortable places, so to be able to build a beautiful new house for himself and his family must have been a landmark moment for him as well. No more hard ground to sleep on, no more sleeping with one eye open. In this new place he can relax and sleep soundly for maybe the first time in a long time.

Each of us can worship God for all that He is. ….merciful, gracious, kind, compassionate, forgiving, good, glorious, holy…..the list goes on and on.

We can also praise him for all that He has done for us….giving thanks for every moment of goodness that comes from him. …For our salvation, for his provision, for answering our unending requests, for miracles we have seen, for our health, for our family….again…the list goes on and on….

If we really wanted to, every word we say could be praise and thanks for what God is and does. We would never run out of things to say about him.

When we think of who and what we were before Christ found us, that would certainly give us plenty to thank him for, right? I know it does for me. ….depression, a failing marriage, a life without purpose, cursing all the time, never being able to see the positive side of anything, selfish…so selfish…and fear, never ending fear!

But my life isn’t like that now. Not AC …after Christ….even though 2020 was a rough year, I kept telling my husband how happy I was. Because happiness does not come from circumstances anymore. It comes from the love that God has for me and the security and peace that it fills me with.

So, I am right there with David in this Psalm. Ready to celebrate landmark moments. Because the Lord has turned my mourning into dancing and has clothed me with gladness….I will give thanks to Him forever.

I hope you can say the same thing. If you have known Christ for a while, I am sure you can.

Let me know what you think!