** Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. ** 1 Timothy 4:13

Christmas has been busy and I have not stopped yet! I am working on a gift for all of you to celebrate 2 full years of I am so grateful to all of you for sticking with me on this journey!

If the Lord wills, on January 1st, I will be posting my first book! OK, it is more of a booklet than a full book. 🙂

I am working with my tech guy to get it ready. So, unless the Lord sends some bumps in the road, it will be waiting in your email if you are a subscriber for the New Year!

I am super excited to see what you all think of it.

Until then, lean on Jesus and share your faith with someone you love!!!

6 thoughts on “NEW YEAR GIFT!!!”

      1. Great…reading your posts backwards..I’ve been MIA for a couple days. It is farther down in my email. 🙂

  1. Yay, Sue. Excited to see what the Lord has laid on your heart.
    Thank you for your continued encouragement into our lives through God’s word.

Let me know what you think!