** Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. ** 1 Timothy 4:13
Christmas has been busy and I have not stopped yet! I am working on a gift for all of you to celebrate 2 full years of richinmercy.net. I am so grateful to all of you for sticking with me on this journey!
If the Lord wills, on January 1st, I will be posting my first book! OK, it is more of a booklet than a full book. 🙂
I am working with my tech guy to get it ready. So, unless the Lord sends some bumps in the road, it will be waiting in your email if you are a subscriber for the New Year!
I am super excited to see what you all think of it.
Until then, lean on Jesus and share your faith with someone you love!!!
I am so excited to hear if the booklet and will be watching for it!!! Luv Nancy
It was posted on December 31, hope it is a blessing!!!
Great…reading your posts backwards..I’ve been MIA for a couple days. It is farther down in my email. 🙂
God’s timing is always perfect!
Yay, Sue. Excited to see what the Lord has laid on your heart.
Thank you for your continued encouragement into our lives through God’s word.
Thank you Marisa! May the Lord use it for His glory!