My Daddy’s bigger than your Daddy!

** My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. ** Psalm 34:2

Boast. Halal in Hebrew. To be clear. To shine. To make a show, to boast and thus to be clamorously foolish. To rave. To cause to celebrate. To give glory. To sing. ….

Here in Zaragoza, Spain, in our little church, we take time to give testimonies each Sunday of what the Lord has done for each of us. We are a small group so we can use a few minutes each week to tell each other how the Lord has impacted us in the past 7 days.

Maybe it is seeing Him provide for us, protect us, heal us from illness or brokenness. Maybe it is something He has helped us understand for the first time or that He has taken us deeper in our understanding of our walk with Him.

The idea is to brag on Jesus.

We have song time and then testimony time. Congregational praise and then individual praise. Both are important ways for all of us to be strengthened in our faith. Others may do this in “small groups” or in “Life groups” but we are able to do it on Sunday mornings.

**The humble shall hear**

When we are open to hear from God, and from others about Him… when we praise, boast, and sing a testimony of what He has done for us, it impacts our faith and walk, as well as others faith and walk. To hear that the Lord is strong for others the way He is strong for us, settles us onto firmer ground. It can also show us where we still struggle and where we need to grow.

So, we can boast about God with our mouth, our words, our talk, our songs, and our testimonies.

**…For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.** Matthew 12:34

Verse 2 says **My soul**

Matthew says….**the abundance of the heart**

Heart and soul. That’s where the work is happening. If we are feeding our heart and soul with good things. If we are watchful and aware of what the Lord is doing from day to day in us. And as He does his loving work in us, what comes out of our mouth is cleaner, purer, happier, bolder, full of praise, thanks, and a new song. Our speak is cleaner because our hearts are cleaner.

**And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.** Psalm 40:3

And that’s what it’s all about. To talk about Him. So others can hear. To edify the church and to reach those who have nothing good to say about Him, at least, not yet.

**The HUMBLE will hear and be glad** You never know when your words will be the final step. When you brag on your God and it helps someone step into faith.

Go ahead. Shine for Him. Boast a little. It can change someone’s forever.

Let me know what you think!