Monday Praise!

**Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing, and praise thy power.** Psalm 21:13

Throughout Psalm 21, the psalmist is giving thanks to the Lord for giving him the desires of his heart, for making him king , for protecting him from his enemies, for his blessing and for his provision….for all the good that he has in his life.

And I think, he is also saying to God, ¨I am praising you God for being more powerful than any thing or any one else. ¨ When David didn´t have the power to continue, when his hope was worn thin in the midst of his problems, the power of his God sustained him. When David´s strength was abating, the power and grace of God was sufficient to see him through.

Each of us has this same hope. The power of our Saviour will sustain us in the midst of our own problems. He will never fail us. Paul understood this when he said that God´s grace was sufficient for him in the middle of his physical limitations.

We really have no reason to be discouraged on the most difficult of days. We may be emotional about what is happening but deep in our hearts and souls we know that we are not alone. God is always with us and will always give us what we need for the next hour.

So, today, on our Monday Praise day, make a list of all the things that God has done to sustain you in the past year. How has He protected you, provided for you, encouraged you, answered prayer, stood by your side. Then put on some music and SING IT OUT LOUD!! As David did. He wrote down all that God did for him each time He delivered him from troubles and sorrows. And then he SANG about it!

So, it´s PRAISE TIME!!

Take a deep breath, connect with your heart, and SING about all that God has done to bless your life today, yesterday and surely, He will do it again tomorrow!!

Let me know what you think!