Keeping it real!

**The Lord hath appeared of hold unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.**  Jeremiah 31:3

What do you do when you’re having a really bad day?  What is your go-to rescue to pull you out of a slump?  What do you do when you know you have so many things to do but there’s just no energy,  no desire,  and you just don’t care?

To be honest, I’ve had  several of these days  over the  last 10 months. Not tons, but, several.  There are just so many things that you can do to fill the hours  when you are confined to your home day after day. 

 Some of the things I’ve tried to do to fill the extra hours…

 Read my daughter’s novels

 Write for this blog 🙂


 Go for a walk when we are allowed to leave the house

 Do jigsaw puzzles

Study French


 Clean some more

Sort, toss,  and clean some more

And  on my less energetic days,   I’ve done some sewing.

But the best part of these unending days of confinement has been to return to the promises that God has for me and for all of his children. This is one of my favorites…

**Yea,  I have loved thee with an everlasting love **

No matter how long the day gets,  He loves me.

That is enough to keep me going.

His overwhelming, never ending, unconditional, amazing, constant, filling, surprising and perfect love. 

So, bring it on, GOD LOVES ME!!!

2 thoughts on “Keeping it real!”

  1. Gods word !! Devotional , my pastor has a daily devotional on u tube. , it’s to cold here to go for a walk , plus working helps keep the blood moving

    1. Great ideas Lynne! Having someone to mentor us through tough times is a great support system! Also, work helps keep the mind and body occupied and ready for rest at the end of the day. Thank you for the ideas!

Let me know what you think!