I am excited! I have put out the word to several ministry friends, asking them to write something about their faith and life in ministry and this week I received the first reply!

My friend Ginny was a pastor’s wife for more than 20 years and has been a widow twice over. She is completely open about her faith and walk with her Savior. It is an honor for me to invite you to read her thoughts on being a widow for the 2nd time in TOMORROW’S post.

I hope you will stop by and get a glimpse into a woman’s heart after losing, not one, but two husband’s in her life time. I pray that it will bless and encourage you.

Ginny also has a blog that I think you will enjoy. It is called Perfect Day. On her blog, she is offering a booklet to anyone that would like some encouragement in their grief. Just go to her blog and put in a request for the booklet in the prayer request section.

So, tune in tomorrow, Monday, May 3rd and read Ginny’s testimony on being a widow in the hands of God. I know you are going to love it!

Let me know what you think!