Happy Endings

** As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when i awake, with thy likeness. ** Psalm 17:15

Rebellions, enemies, the prideful, skeptics and those that deny the power of God, sin and failure, the deceptions and abuses of others, oppressions, and those filled with pride are a short list of the many things that came up against David in his lifetime. All of these problems tried to discourage David in his faith. They tried to get him to give up on his God.

Although David’s trials were frequent and he had to endure some of them for long periods of time, he stayed true to his faith and held firmly to the Lord’s promises.

** I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me **. In the midst of trials and even more so as they ended, David kept a bountiful perspective about who he served. He suffered in his problems but looked for the good that the Lord was doing in spite of his situation. He kept his eyes on the happy ending.

** …when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad. ** David hung on to hope. He recognized and accepted the hard reality of this life. Hope kept his eyes looking up and to the future. He knew that this day and this problem would not last forever.This too would pass. There would be a happy ending.

** …he honoreth them that fear the LORD…He that doeth these things shall never be moved. ** David was clear on the promises of God. He knew them and believed that they would come to pass. They were lifelines in the midst of trouble. They were his happy endings.

** Thou will show me the paths of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. ** Again, David kept his eyes fixed on something better, more enduring and more pleasant than the pain he was in on any given day. A happy ending.

David understood the stark reality of living in a fallen world amidst people who cared nothing for the things of God. He knew the very real consequences of being a citizen of this planet and all the wickedness that occurs every day. But although he had to live here, just like us, he kept his eyes and heart fixed on the One who could deliver him from it all. He knew the offer of happy endings.

David looked for the good in every situation, he never lost hope, he clung to the Lord’s promises. He understood that earthly life happens to all of us, but eternal life was waiting just on the other side. He kept the Lord’s promises in front of him in order to soften the hard blows of this life. He never lost sight of the happy ending.

The Psalms are full of David’s problems and struggles. But they are also full of his faith and his diligence in remembering what the Lord had promised not only to himself but all those who bear His name. He was an expert at knowing the happy endings.

Whatever trial we face, we can be like David and keep our eyes up, fixed on the One who promises to deliver us from all trials. He may do it here and extend our life on earth or He might take us home to be with Him to enjoy pleasures for evermore. The outcome is His to choose, the perspective is up to us.

The happy ending is His to reveal and ours to discover.

Let me know what you think!