Farewell and Thank You

**O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.** Psalm 34:8

Sometimes it is hard to choose a verse that expresses all that is in my heart. Sometimes there is not enough room to write it all.

I think of Psalm 23 …..*I shall not lack…green pastures….still waters….He restoreth my soul. *

Even then, I feel I am falling short in describing how amazing these last 5 months Stateside have been.

From Alaska to New Hampshire we have met or reconnected with some of the most beautiful people on the planet. They are kind, concerned, generous of heart and spirit. Each of them desiring to live a life pleasing to the Lord and each one wanting to be a refreshing spirit to His people. Many are walking through heartache and loss, yet, they still have love to give to others. They find refuge and comfort in being a blessing. They are a peculiar, unique crowd.

They are praying people, giving people, with hearts to serve and bless. They are teachable, humble, encouraging and gentle. They remind me of Jesus. They have His heart and His burden. They are the people of God.

To all of you with whom we have crossed paths, I thank you. You have welcomed us, challenged us, loved us, fed us and renewed our vision to serve and continue to reach out to the lost. You have housed us and opened your hearts and wallets to us so that the gospel in Spain can continue in some small way. You have sown seeds of love and encouragement and we are grateful. We will not waste those seeds.

Our time here has come to a close, and our farewell is bittersweet. We leave full and joyful, yet sad to have to say good-bye. Again.

Thankfully, the Internet keeps us connected. I hope you will all continue to reach out to us here in the blog or on Social Media. We will reach out also, in prayer and in content. Know that we love you all. We will miss you.

But we also know that the same Lord that we saw to be in you, will strengthen and encourage and firmly establish your faith in Him. He will bless you as He has blessed us through you. He will be as faithful to you as He has always been to us. He will reward you here and in eternity for all that you do for us, for Him and for others who serve Him in the far corners of the Earth.

God bless you richly. The Lord keep you and grow you. May we all see Him face to face very soon.

Let me know what you think!