Exceeding Abundantly

** Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us… ** Ephesians 3:20

This year of 2021 AD has been amazing. Thinking back over just the last month, and then throughout all the year, I am overwhelmed by all the generosity and kindness and miraculous power that the Lord has shown to me and my family. For some time now, several years actually, I have said over and over again that my husband and I are in a season of peace.

After so many years of learning how to live in a second culture and raising our children here, and getting through all the painful early years of ministry in general, the Lord has given us several years of peaceful living. That doesn’t mean that there haven’t been problems or difficult times, it just means that our hearts are settled, we have learned so much, the Lord has been faithful every single day and we look forward to what the Lord has for us in the future.

Fear and confusion no longer rule our days. Joy and gratitude have replaced them. It has taken decades but the Lord has diligently done His work in us and continues to draw us closer to Him.

My wish for all of my readers, is that each of you would experience this same season of peace. Whatever difficulties you face from day to day, know that the Lord has not lost sight of you, or the problem or His plan for your life. He is there, working in the background and is constantly blessing you. Any of us that can walk, talk, hear, see, breathe or laugh has a blessed life.

As each of us enjoys our time with family over the holidays, wherever we are, wherever they are, if it’s for a few minutes or for a few days, let’s all rejoice in the miracle of what the Lord is doing in each of us.

The miracles that started with a child in a manger, a humble beginning, a quiet entrance…that lead Him to a cruel cross…but finished in the glory of His resurrection…

Those miracles gave us new life, a fresh start, a Hope for eternity.

Today, He continues to work that eternity in each of us. The birth of Jesus is a celebration of His life, His death and His Kingdom. All of which happened and is happening for our good.

Exceeding abundantly. That is who our Savior is. And that is how He cares for each of us as His own.

Merry Christmas to each of you.

Let me know what you think!