Black Friday Sale–A Free Gift

** Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. ** Ephesians 3:20

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends. It is my favorite holiday. I love the simplicity of the day, the warmth of home that comes from all the cooking and delicious smells and being surrounded by family. There is no such holiday here in Spain but we celebrate it anyway, partly because of the traditions it holds, but mostly because it helps me to focus for several days on what I am thankful for. Fall is also my favorite season of the year so it’s a perfect match.

A newer Fall tradition is the mega sales of Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Each store offers crazy deals in order to lure shoppers into choosing their store to do their Christmas purchases.

Here at, although we do not offer anything for purchase at this date, I would like to give away something instead of asking for someone to buy something.

I would like to give each of my readers the promise that I will pray for one concrete thing for each of you for the next 35 days. Every day from today until the 31st of December, I will faithfully pray for one of your personal needs.

While I await your requests I will be praying for the Lord’s blessing over each of you through the holidays and that He would do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think. Our God is an amazing and loving God and I have no doubt that He will answer my request on your behalf.

I believe more in the power of prayer and the joy of laying my requests at the Lord’s feet than at any other time in my life. I hope each of my readers will allow me the privilege of talking to Abba Father regarding your needs.

So, Happy Thanksgiving and have a safe Black Friday. Please leave a comment with your prayer request or you can send me a private email at [email protected]

My prayers for your needs, my Holiday free gift to you!!

2 thoughts on “Black Friday Sale–A Free Gift”

    1. Elise, I will praying for your family, that the Lord will open their eyes, ears and heart and that He would send witnesses into their lives. God is able!

Let me know what you think!