Amazing Love

** As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. ** John 15:9

The Richness of God’s mercy and the Depth of His Love go hand-in-hand. We can’t experience one without the other. They are like angels that walk on either side of us everyday. They are always present with us. Yesterday, today, tomorrow and into eternity, His Mercy and Love is there. No matter what we are going through, Mercy and Love go with us.

Chapters 15 and 17 of the Gospel of John have a lot to say about the Lord’s Love. John 15: 9 tells us that Jesus loves us in the same measure that the Father loved and still loves His own Son.

We, and Jesus, have the same Father, same Love from the Father.

The Father is not a respecter of persons. He loves you and I just as much as He loves Jesus.

**I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. ** John 17:23

That we would know that the Father sent Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins and that God loves you and I and all followers of Jesus Christ with the same love that He has for Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 3;18)

And then the Father goes beyond that Love for His children and extends it to all mankind in John 3:16. **…For God so loved the world…**

Let’s focus on that for just a second. Are we really hearing that? The first time someone showed me this, it really impacted me. ** and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.** God loves me just as much as He loves His own Son.

Can we say the same thing? Do we love others with the same measure that we love our own children? That’s a tough question.

Are we as unconditional and merciful in our love with those who do not belong to our own blood family? Another tough question.

Can I say that about anyone outside of my immediate family? Have I laid down my life for others the way I would for my own child?

And with that knowledge of the Love of the Father and of the Son, we can be made perfect, (ie: merciful) (back to 17:23) enabling us to love others with the same Love that the Father loves us. We are to be like Him, and to be a conduit of His Unconditional, Merciful Love to others. His sacrificial Love for others.

This is all a huge challenge to any one of us. Unconditional, Merciful Love to all. It is only possible with the power of God in us. With a filling of the Holy Spirit beyond what we have today. Christ demonstrated His Love for His people through much pain and suffering. Are we willing to walk the same road as Jesus to be filled with the Father’s Love? Another tough question.

Let me know what you think!