
** Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. ** Colossians 4:6

Always verses make me a little crazy. Always. Always with grace. Always.

That’s a tough order to fill. Always.

Always be thankful. Always be kind. Always do good when I want to be mean or nasty. Always speak to someone with patience and think of their needs first. Always.

I don’t like that word. Always.

Except when it has to do with me.

God ALWAYS loves me. He is ALWAYS merciful to me. He ALWAYS deals with me with grace. Oh, I love that!!

But my responsibility to always be gracious with others tends to get my dander up. It makes me have to bite my tongue. Grace obligates me to choose kindness and to smile when I want to scream. It whispers to me to forgive when I want to hold a grudge. It prods me to love when I feel unlovely.

** Let your speech be always with grace **….even to myself. My self-talk needs to be kind and encouraging, not self-deprecating and damaging.

Come on, Sue, don’t be so stupid! Sue, what is your problem? Can’t you get anything right? Sue, you are such a failure! Sue, it’s time to throw in the towel!

** Let your speech (even self speech ) be always with grace **. (italics mine)

All of us can learn to be more gracious with our words. All of us can think of something positive to say to others and to ourselves. The Lord does it all the time for us. Can you hear Him talking to you? Have you heard Him today say something like….???

I love you. You are forgiven. You are mine. My child, my bride, my heart’s desire. You are accepted. I love hearing from you. I love when you share your life with me. You are always welcome. I will always be here for you.

If we know Jesus, we know how to speak with grace because He is grace personified. We can imitate Him until grace has grown inside of us.

So, if others have gotten under your skin lately, step back, think of Him, and respond like He would. Because that person is just as loved and accepted and forgiven as you are. And they might not know it. It may be up to you to tell them.

** Let your speech be always with grace **

2 thoughts on “Always”

  1. Hi Sue, Loved seeing this. I just finished my Bible Study time which was on Mathew 5:1-16. We had a discussion about being salt and light. And at the close of the lecture our speaker closed with this verse and then Philippians 1:6. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

    My speech being always with grace is something that the Lord continues to deelop in being, but thank God for the promise in Philippians 1:6.

    1. Thank you Elise for sharing your thoughts. Matthew 5 is a very challenging passage for all of us!! I imagine we will spend all of our lives learning about those words…blessed are they who…are poor in spirit, mourn, meek and hunger and thirst for righteousness…words of hope because of the Lord’s promises that go along with them. He never leaves us alone to fend for ourselves in the hardships of life. His promises keep our hope alive! The reminder that Philippians 1 gives us that the Lord never gives up on us keeps us going as well, doesn’t it? The knowledge that every day He is working His will and purpose in us is encouraging and comforting. It helps us get up on our feet again and keep going. God bless you, Elise, as you continue to walk with Him.

Let me know what you think!