A Sure Path to Wealth

** O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing. Come, ye children, and hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD. ** Psalm 34:9-11

David makes some pretty bold statements in these verses. …no want….shall not want…which means ….no lack…shall not lack.

Those that fear the LORD will not lack any good thing.

Those that seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.

Maybe we are saying to ourselves…”Hey, wait a minute! I lack plenty!”

Well, let’s take a look around….

Do you have a roof over your head?

Do you have a cell phone or computer? I think so, because you are reading this. 🙂

Did you have breakfast today?

Have you been to the hairdresser in the last month?

Are you wearing prescription glasses?

Do you have a bed to sleep in? Like one of those mega beds with a pillow topper? Or do you sleep on a straw mat over dirt?

Do you breathe clean air?

Does the sun shine in your windows everyday?

Did you drank clean water today? If you haven’t, can you?

Are you dressed? When was the last time you shopped for ‘something new’?

Are you basically healthy?

I think we all know where I am heading, right?

Have you ever been to Africa? India? China? The Middle East? Or Romania?

Most of us live like kings and queens compared to a very large segment of the planet.

Psalm 34 says we will not lack any good thing.

Being able to breathe is good. Being able to walk is good. Having a Bible to read is good. Having children and grandchildren is good.

It may be that we do not have everything that the Kardashians have. Or Elon Musk. Or Jeff Bezos.


I am guessing that is what the LORD considers as GOOD.

Sometimes our desiring things that are not so good might just take us out of the fear of the Lord. They also might distract us from seeking Him.

Sometimes, it is how we look at what we have. Sometimes it is knowing what is good or not good.

Don’t get me wrong. 3 John 2 tells us …

**Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. **

All the good things we have as God’s children, He will never take away. The thing is that He ALSO wants us to be able to enjoy prosperity and health. Financial prosperity. He wants us to be just as blessed materially as we are spiritually. But what we have eternally are free gifts. Financial prosperity is going to take some effort on our part.

Like….prayer….gratitude…stewardship…generosity…and hard work…and self denial.

A child of God will NOT lack any good thing. It just depends on how much effort we want to put into it.

Let me know what you think!