Five Words that Describe You!

Part 2

** Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well-pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles.** Matthew 12:18

A  prophecy from the book of Isaiah.  A prophecy fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. 

Some key words that we can see are…






 All of these are characteristics of Jesus Christ.  

He came to serve God and his people.

He was chosen by God to complete his will.  

He was loved by God.

He  pleased God in all that He did.

He was filled with the Holy Spirit to guide him and Empower him. 

 Judgement is the part of the prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled.  Because He came the first time to die in our place as  the innocent sacrifice for our sin.  His judgment will be fulfilled in His second coming. 

The amazing thing about this verse is that it is not only talking of Jesus Christ, although he is certainly the main character. The surprising thing is that God is also talking about us. Let’s take a closer look….

CHOSEN… all followers of Christ are chosen just as Christ was chosen.   

SERVANTS…We are Servants of  Christ just as Jesus was a servant to the Father. 

BELOVED…. we are also God’s beloved.   Knowing this fills our heart  with  assurance and confidence because to be loved by the Creator of the universe is  a warm blanket of security.  Jesus Christ is our future spouse, He  is the one that we desire to spend eternity with. He is a true Prince Charming.  We are loved by him 100%, unconditionally, without criticism, insults,  arguments, rejection,  bitterness, vengeance,  physical harm or anything else that characterizes a broken human marriage. Our marriage to him will be perfect and forever. We are His Beloved. 

**My beloved is mine, and I am his: ** Song of Solomon 2

PLEASING… if we walk in faith we are also pleasing to Him.  Hebrews 11

Do we please him in all things as Christ did? I would love to say yes,  but only Jesus Christ was and is capable of pleasing God in everything.   We can try though. We have a few clues as to how.

Enoch pleased God. Hebrews 11 (without faith it is impossible to please Him.)

**When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.** Proverbs 6

**Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.** 1 Tessalonicenses

**No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.**2 TImothy 2

**But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.** Hebrews 13

So, it is possible for us to please God. 

HOLY SPIRIT. ..The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus Christ,  directing him to do the Father’s will,   and fulfill His purpose. The Holy Spirit gave Jesus clarity on how to handle every situation. 

Is that not also available for us? 

**And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. ** Ephesians 4

We have the Holy Spirit permanently dwelling in us.  He speaks to us just as he spoke to Christ.  He guides us just as he guided Christ.  The difference is we don’t always listen.

JUDGMENT….Unfortunately we are experts at this part.  Jesus could have come and judged the world, destroyed it, killed everyone, eliminated all of those who opposed him and rejected him.  But instead He loved them, cared for them, refreshed them and died for them. 

 I can’t say that about us.  Life has taught me that we are judgment experts.   We are quick to find the worst in others.  Criticism, insults, backstabbing, and gossip flow from our tongues  like a  twisted melody.

This verse gives us so much to rejoice about.  God has so many positive things to say about us.  Let’s all work at  that last adjective.  Judgement. It wasn’t Jesus’ time to judge,  neither should it be ours.

One last encouraging word,  the first five adjectives are gifts,  freely given to us by the mercy and grace of God.  And if that issn’t enough to rejoice over …

Romans  4  tells us that God…calleth those things which be not as though they were. 

That is HOPE.

Let me know what you think!